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The word online casino came from an Italian word which means “villa or summer house” in Italian. In olden times summer house was built for pleasure. Not only chance games but also other games were played in summer house for pleasure. One of the first ever casino was built in the year 1638. Then it reached travelled all over countries since almost all the societies had game of chance. American use to call those summer house Poker Tournaments where they use to gamble and drink. But soon the gambling was banned in America and all the gambling houses were closed. In 1931 again the gambling were legalized in America and this opened the doors for big player to in American gambling market.

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1994 was the year of beginning of Microgamming one of the largest player in gaming software industry. Cryptologic was another player which was founded with Microgamming. Initially the players was doubtful about the online casino since they feel it was not a safe to play Freeroll Tournaments because of online money transactions but soon online casinos became quite popular and online transaction issue was sort out. Many online casino like inter casino, gaming club, etc were launched. Microgamming was the first to introduce the progressive slots in 1998. Progressive slots were soon very popular among the slot enthusiasts. Soon in 1999 Boss Media came up with revolutionary by introducing multi-player games. In multiplayer players can play a same game at the same time. This feature was accepted by the players from all over the world with open handed.

In 2006 in a major development David Caruthers, CEO of BetOnSports was arrested for the tax dodging allegations. Soon in September 2006 Unlawful Internet Enforcement Act 2006 UIGEA was introduced and online gambling was banned in US. This was the major drawback for many big poker firms in US gambling market. online casinos had no choice but to shift from US market to other potential market. UIGEA was brought to avoid funding terrorist organization in response to 9/11. After this NETeller pulled out from US online casino reviews. In 2008 Real Time Gaming and Vegas Technology was left after Microgamming pulled out of US market. if you are looking for poker bonus code try code bonus poker770 (600$ bonus), code bonus titan poker (625$ bonus) or everest Poker bonus code (up to 500$ free bonus) which is a special bonus for everest poker players free mobile casino games
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